THE TIDE IS RISING (animated short-film)


Synopsis: An "essay" film, based on archive photographs.
The Tide is Rising received funds from the Canada Council of the Arts and from the SSHRC (SIG Explore Grant through Emily Carr University).

The Tide is Rising is a project inspired by archival photographs of female psychiatric patients in the 19th century, originally taken by Dr. H. W. Diamond (for the count of the Surrey County Lunatic Asylum), Albert Lalonde (for the count of Dr. Charcot de la Salpêtrière), and Henry Clarke (for the count of the West Riding Lunatic Asylum). Several public domain archives of asylum settings, as well as sound bites taken from psychiatric educational videos, also serve as sources. 

Production, direction and animation: Éléonore Goldberg
Sound design and music: Stéphane Calce